Friday 4 November 2016

Bad move

Having lived in this flat for 10 months it has proved to be a complete disaster.
The bathroom has been the biggest problem. Initially investigated for a bad smell it was found that the floor boarding was all rotten. So everything was stripped out, but only half the floor was replaced. And the smell continued so Dyna-rod were called in and pipes were found to be corroded with many leaks in them. So the bathroom stripped out again and another 2 days without toilet or bath. The smell still continued and the bathroom was stripped put again and all the rotten floor under the bath was replaced this time.  What we have now are pipes not set properly in the walls causing a really cold draught and making the heating in the bathroom useless.
We now have a serious problem in the kitchen. The cooker which was perfectly level after a repair a few weeks ago is now listing to the right by about 1 inch. Can't be bothered to report it and start with the same mess as we had with the bathroom.
We have also be plagued in the back garden first by rats and now by mice, making it imposable to leave the door open. At the moment we are stripping all the plants out and taking them to Graeme's. And then I had a brilliant idea! WHY DON'T WE MOVE AND GO AND LIVE AT GRAEME'S!
We had been doing some work on Graeme's house for some time now and as it is a four bedroom house with only Graeme living there we have been discussing the possibility of living there  with him.  We have worked out a fair rent system and agreed a proportion of the cost of making the house comfortable for us all. All three of us are agreed that this move would be beneficial to us all.
It is a large four bedroomed house with large gardens, room to store our caravan and parking for two cars. Once the internal decorating is finished,  no doubt the garden will keep me occupied next summer.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Week commencing Monday 19th September 2016

Monday 19th Sept.
Some tidying up at 41 ready for painting and papering later in the week.

Tuesday 20th Sept.
Took Jenn to the Dental hospital in Newcastle for her 10 15 appointment.
After a rest in the afternoon we moved some plants to 41.

Wednesday 21st Sept
Saw a BIG rat in the garden early this morning!
Went to Blyth to collect Cliff to help with some painting at 41. Most of the day there, but got a lot of work done.
Cliff stayed overnight so we can get an early start in the morning.

Thursday 22nd Sept.
Painting and wallpapering all morning, showing signs of looking a lot better
After lunch, took Cliff back to Blyth.

Friday 23rd Sept.
Changing my Furosemide tablet time from mornings to early evenings, see if that makes the mornings any easier.
Val doing some more paperhanging in the lounge at 41, I spent the morning changing door handles to the rounded type as the flat ones hurt my arms if I catch them.

Saturday 24th Sept.
Quick visit from Graeme this morning, then a quiet day doing housework and putting more films on my USB stick.

Sunday 25 Sept.
Graeme called in this morning,
Just resting my foot and more work on the computer.
Val doing lots of washing and housework and making nice meals.

Thursday 8th to 18th September 2016

Thursday 8th Sept.
Collected Cliff in the morning and we got on with painting and cleaning at 41.
Rest in the afternoon and Cliff stayed the night.
Foot still very sore and swollen.

Friday 9th Sept.
Early start at 41, painting and tidying up.
Took Cliff home after lunch
Rest in afternoon.
Foot still very sore and swollen.

Saturday 10th Sept.
Early visit from Graeme, starting his weeks holiday.
I stayed at home trying to rest my foot.
Val doing some shopping

Sunday 11th Sept.
Another day of rest my foot very sore and Val tired with all the work she's doing.

Monday 12th Sept.
Had to call the doctor, foot getting worse and told her I didn't think it was gout.
She agreed that it was probably a fungus infection caused by the Anaphylactic shock and is treating it with a very strong pain killer and anti-biotic. Making me very drowsy
Builders coming to inspect the work at 41.
Val doing a bit more work there, I'm staying home, elevating my foot and resting.

Tuesday 13th Sept.
Me staying at home again, resting my foot. letting the meds work.
Val doing some washing and shopping.

Wednesday 14th Sept.
Car gone for it's MOT and service.
Graeme called and took Val to do some more decorating at 41.

Thursday 15th Sept.
Quiet morning waiting for Jeannette to do our hair.
Afternoon rest and not much done after that.
The rest of the week spent resting my foot trying to get some relief from the pain.

Monday 12 September 2016

Holiday Blog..Friday 2nd September to 7th September

Everything ready to set off on Friday 2nd September for a 4 day break before Saffron goes back to school.
Easy drive through to Brampton and caravan and awning set up with no bother. A bit cold and windy but nice and comfortable in the caravan with a nice sirloin steak for dinner.

Saturday and the weather not very good, but we'd promised Saffron some time on the beach so we set off for a small beach neat Maryport. Cold and windy so we only stayed about an hour, but Saffron and Archie seemed to enjoy themselves.
Saturday night and we have a storm like you can only get in Cumbria or Scotland, Awning got a bit flooded so 3 of us tried to sleep in a small 2 berth.
About 1.00am I got a sharp pain in the back of the neck, only later did I realise I'd been stung by a wasp. I had never realised I was allergic to wasp stings but I went in to Anaphylactic shock, burning up and violently shaking at the same time. Took about 2 hours for it to cool down enough for me to get back to sleep.
Woke up Sunday morning with a very sore foot, thinking I might have kicked something while I was in shock, I also felt very weak and tired so stayed in bed all day and I did sleep for about 30 hours. Val and Saffron went out for a drive and to do some shopping, nothing they could do for me anyway.
Monday morning, up early getting packed up to come home, but my foot had swollen to about 3 times it's normal size and was very painful driving home.
Tried to work through the pain for the next few days and went to Pulmonary rehab.  on Wednesday, the Pysio. wouldn't let me do any of the exercises and sent me to A & E to see a doctor. After a quick examination was sent for xray. 4 pictures taken and back to see the doctor. 2 doctors this time and they both agreed there was no break or fracture, so came to the conclusion that the problem was GOUT. They explained that Anaphylactic shock can cause this immediately. So given a load of pain killers and told to sit with my foot elevated for at least a week.
That's not going down very well as I have a lot I want to be doing just now.

Monday 29 August 2016

Blog for week commencing Sunday 28th August 2016

Sunday 28th August 2016
No lying in this morning, Graeme here early, but having a lazy day anyway.
Sorting computers out, Val sorting clothes and bedroom out.
Not going out, as the roads are chaos due to bad organization of the Tall ships race, just have to look at other peoples photos.
Not feeling like cooking tonight (Neither of us) so had a very nice take away meal.

Monday 29th August 2016
Bit of a lie-in this morning (just feeling lazy)
Graeme here about 8.30.
Went to Graeme's after breakfast, finished doing the cupboard by the front door, did a bit of tidying up and looking at things that need doing when we come back from holiday. (Last break of the year I think).
Had a long rest and slept well in the afternoon.
Light meal (Ham and cheese omelette) and another early night.

Tuesday 30th August 2016
Up early and Graeme here about 7.30. Went to his later on. Drum kit gas bottles and heater gone.
Went to Blyth B&M for paint and took stuff to the charity shop.
Rest in the afternoon then at Graeme's again to sort stuff out for the caravan before going away on Friday.
Nice Moroccan spiced lamb dinner, just a bit too hot with the chillies.
Tried to stay up a bit later so we could have a better nights sleep but we were both falling asleep by 10.00pm, so off to bed.

Wednesday 31st August 2016
Both woke up with bad stomachs, I was in agony, so pulmonary rehab cancelled for this week
Rang anti-coagulant clinic to change appointment from Monday to Wednesday.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Blog for week commencing Sunday 21st August 2016

Sunday 21st August 2016.
Graeme here before I was up today, he's very keen to get on with work on the house now.
spent most of the day updating video's on his Sat Nav. Took longer that normal, slight problem with the codeqs.
Ordered a faster YouTube downloader, might make it easier.
Trying to make do with simple or ready meals with the cooker going off.
Told Jen and Tony we were moving in with Graeme so don't have to keep it secret now.
Antibiotic seems to be taking effect but my hip and back are still very sore, just take it easy for a few more days.

Monday 22nd August 2016
Not at all well today, antibiotic making me sick and dizzy.

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
Quiet day today, took some photos and measurements at Graeme's while Val was sorting old clothes and rubbish for the tip.

Wednesday 23rd August 2016
Called for Cliff at Blyth, took all Graeme's and Cliffs rubbish to the tip, then back to Cliff's for the stuff he wanted to take to the charity shop.
No market in Blyth but complete traffic chaos with a lot of roads closed ready for the tall ships regatta at the weekend.
Jenn and Saffron called in and stayed a while, talked about the car boot stuff and the drum kit in the back bedroom.
Val sorting through a load of DVD's that Cliff wants to get rid of.

Thursday 24th August 2016
Got a surprise visit from the district nurse, she had come to do my INR blood levels, I was due to go to the clinic tomorrow but she took the blood anyway and saved me a trip tomorrow.
Val at the doctors for her Diabetic check, slight change in medication and waiting for blood test results.
Spent the morning at Graeme's sorting out more rubbish and cleaning out the cupboard by the front door. Had to stop at lunch time as my back is still hurting a lot.
Started putting more DVD's on the computer ready for when my 64gig. flash drives arrives. I can watch them when in bed on my "Surface"

Friday 25th August 2016
Val out doing the shopping at 8.00am to beat the bank holiday shopping rush. Went later to B&M at North Shields for paint but didn't have what we wanted there
Finished doing the coat hangers in the cupboard and Val was sticking the wallpaper back on. Tidied some of the rubbish up in the back garden, but my back was giving me a lot of pain so we came home at lunch time again.
Had a rest in the afternoon and got  pleasant surprise when I got up, Jenn, Saffron, Clayton and Carter had all come to visit, surprised they were getting on so well with Archie.

Saturday 25th august 2016
Late getting up,  Graeme called for cup of tea and talked about work to be done on his house.
Not out today, no shopping to do.
Cleared old plants out of troughs ready to move.
Evening spend putting films on tablet key.
Graeme not feeding well, so no work done on the house.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Blog for week commencing Sunday August 14th 2016

Sunday 14th August.
Up early again.
Graeme called early for a cup of tea, and we had a long discussion about us moving in with him at Harlo Ave.
Took Cliff and Hazel to Newcastle airport, hazel flying home after her holiday.
Started tidying up in the garden, but the rain started, so got on with sorting tools and odds and ends in the cupboard.
Rain stopped so got some work done in garden before and after dinner.

Monday 15th August.
Up early again after a very restless night. Missed taking my water tablet yesterday so was up to  the toilet several times.
Went to Graeme's to finish wiring  the TV and waiting for the builder to come and fix the front door again. Measured the rooms upstairs and think most things will fit. Had fish and chips while waiting for the builders.
Came home about 2.30 and went for a rest, couldn't move when I woke up, hurt my hip somehow and couldn't stand, Val helped me into a high chair in the lounge and put a hot wheat pad on for me, just have to rest and be careful this evening.

Tuesday 16th august 2016
Hip still hurting this morning, so Val off to do the shopping at Aldi.
I did the washing up but just rested the rest of the day.
In bed after lunch but hip still hurting so just with computer and TV this evening.

Friday 19th August 2016
Had to get the doctor today, breathing very bad and just finished 1 week of steroid and antibiotic.
Have to have another week with a different antibiotic, just resting and hoping my hip gets better as well.

Saturday 20th August 2016
New antibiotic making me feel sick and very tired, don't feel much like eating, can't get out and it's been raining all day anyway.
Just been on the computer converting DVD's to play on my Surface tablet.
Updating videos on Graeme's sat nav, ready for another week

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Daily blog for week commencing Monday 8th August 2016

Monday 8th August 2016

At Graeme's this morning, fixed the Arial and the socket in the lounge.
Val tidying the kitchen and lounge ready to do the decorating.
Quiet evening TV. and a drink.

Tuesday 9th August 2016 

Quiet morning, washing on the line then a bath.
Physiotherapist at Northtyneside , but just for an assessment. Might have to wait 3 months before I get any treatment.
Shopping at farm foods then home for a rest.
Beans toast and eggs for dinner, then a quiet evening.

Wednesday 10th August 2016

Went to Blyth market, met up with Cliff and Hazel, went to Ashington to return to key for the caravan storage park. Cliff and Hazel went for a look around the shops, Val and I got something to eat. Dropped Hazel and Cliff off on the sea front so they could walk to St. Mary's Lighthouse.
Had a short rest then went shopping at B & M bargains in North Shields.
Not feeling too good at bedtime.

Thursday 11th August 2016

Feeling ill this morning so Val went shopping at Aldi on her own, I stayed in bed till lunch time, then took my emergency pack of Antibiotic and steroids, rested all afternoon till dinner time, Val had done a lovely mild chicken curry, and I enjoyed it very much. 
Stayed up in the evening, and was very tired when I went to bed at but was fully awake after about 1/2 and hour. One hours sleep between 3 and 4 and that was it. Got fed up with lying there awake so was up at 6.30.

Friday 12 August 2016
Nice early start, hope the energy lasts out.
3rd Wedding anniversary today, doesn't the time fly.
Plan to go and check the Gealletta  out today, just to see if it fits. Found out the cost of fitting a tow bar, and put that on out of mind.
Went to Silbury Skoda at Dudley and looked at the new Yeti and Octavia, both big and comfortable but the sales man offered us a good deal on the top spec. Octavia (big discount on up-front payment) so one is on order in very shiny dark grey.
Home in the afternoon for a rest, then burst of energy had me cleaning all the outside windows.
TV and a drink of alco-pops in the evening and early to bed again.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Up early again after a poor nights sleep, I think the anti-biotic is acting like a pep pill and making me very rest less.
Graeme called early for a cup of tea and we talked about what wants doing next in his house.
Val and I went along later, Val building his bathroom cabinet and I put the brackets on the wall for the TV. and got it all working by lunch time.
Short rest in the afternoon but no sleep. Got up and did some weeding and tidying up in the garden.
Nice big mince and dumpling for dinner.
Watered the garden after dinner and managed to flood the bathroom as well.
TV and a drink again this evening,
Taking Cliff and Hazel to the airport tomorrow morning, hazel going home after a 2 week holiday here.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Daily Blog for Week commencing Monday 1st August 2016

Monday 1st August 2016

Not feeling very well today, so staying in the caravan to rest.
The ladies all went to Lytham, on the beach for a while, then to St, Annes .
Fish and chips for dinner.

Tuesday 2nd August 2016

Still not well, the Ladies went into the Trough for a visit to the Wild Boar Park. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Wednesday 3rd August 2016

Set off to go to Glasson Dock, but on the way had a phone call from Barry who invited us to his house for a coffee and a chat. Vicky came home from work and it was nice meeting them both again.
In the evening we went to the Sun Inn again, had a really good meal, then came back to the caravan and got as much packed away ready to go home tomorrow. Of course we got torrential rain all night long.

Thursday 4th August 2016

Had to pack everything in between showers so everything got packed away wet, showers and sunshine all the way home,(only took 3 hours), left the caravan and everything at Graeme's  and went home to get a take-away meal. Early to bed as everyone was very tired, except Val who slept all the way home.

Friday 5th August 2016

Had to be in the flat all day as the plumber came to fix the rotten floor boards and smell in the bathroom. Val went shopping with Petra, I paid several visits to Graeme's with an upset stomach.

Saturday 6th August 2016

Put new washing lines up at Graeme's and put the ground sheet and carpets on to dry, cleared the dirty washing from the van.
Petra and Hazel went to spend the day with Cliff and had a good day out.
We got on with the washing as it is a good day for drying on the line.
Saffron called in after work to see how we were, and got a lift to meet her friends.
Petra and Hazel came in quite late and we all had an early night as they have to be up early to get to the airport.

Sunday 7th August 2016

Petra and Hazel left about 8.15 for the Airport for Petra to fly home today. Hazel is staying with Cliff for another week.
Val and I spent the morning tidying and getting all the washing done and dried.
Had corned beef hash for dinner and are just having a relaxing evening.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Daily blog for week commencing Monday 25th July 2016

Monday 25th July 2016

Graeme called for a early morning cup of tea before going to work.
Val went to Graeme's to start wallpapering the lounge, but it won't get finished now till after our holiday.
I stayed at home, did the washing up and general tidying up, hovered all the carpets.
still very hot so just had a rest in the afternoon.
Fish and chips for dinner the just relaxing again with the TV and computers.

Tuesday 26th July 2016
Petra and Hazel coming today for a holiday with us, plane should be at Newcastle at 11.30.
Val has gone to the airport to meet them as Petra hasn't been to where we are living now.
Total chaos at the airport, the hire car Petra had ordered (and paid for) weeks ago didn't turn up. The excuse was that people were not returning them on time, so after waiting around for over 2 hours they offered her a car from another company, but she had to pay an extra £15 a day insurance cover to cover excess if there was an accident. Petra had already paid this on the first car and had quite a tussle on the phone from here before she got a refund for that.
Then when dinner was ready I thought the sausages tasted different from the ones we have had before, so we just had a vegetarian dinner followed by strawberries and cream.
Petra and Hazel been busy taking Archie for exploratory walks around the houses.

Wednesday 26th July 2016

At the doctors this morning for irn blood check. disappointing result, only 1.9 instead of 2.5, back again in 3 weeks,
Val doing last minute shopping for things we need for the holiday.
another trip to PC World for bag and pen for my new Surface 3 tablet computer. 
Packing a few things into the car, everything else will go in tomorrow.

Thursday 27th July 2016
Holliday week at Fell View caravan park.

All nicely packed and ready to go at 11.00 am.
Got to the a69 alright and then the heavens opened and we had horrendous weather all the way down to the Trough of Bowland.
Still pouring down while we were putting the awning up, all evening and all night, so not much else done.

Friday 28th July 2016

Rained all night, the awning flooded, all the carpets and ground sheet soaking and the bottom of the bed settee soaking up water.
The site owner brought a big roll of artificial grass for the front of the awning to try and stop walking mud in all the time.
I stayed at the caravan to have a rest while Val, Petra Hazel and Saffron went shopping and visit to the cheese factory and the Glass making factory at Great Eccleston.

Saturday 29th July 2016

Plans for a big day out for the Ladies.
I drove then all to Star Gate in Blackpool, (really horrible drive with too much traffic) so they could have a tram ride all the way along the prom to Fleetwood. Then they spent some time in Fleetwood market before trying to get the ferry to Knott End. Unfortunately there was a very low tide and the ferry was not running. so I drove to Cleveleys to pick them up after they took the tram back there. The plan had been for me to pick them up at Knott End and go on to Glasson dock, but I'd had enough driving by then.

Sunday 30th July 2016

Reasonably nice day so we had a drive through the Trough to Beacon Fell where the youngsters went for a long walk, while Val and I went to the visitors centre and had coffee and cake. In the evening we went for a meal at the Sun Inn in Chipping. Couldn't find the tombstone
