Monday 12 September 2016

Holiday Blog..Friday 2nd September to 7th September

Everything ready to set off on Friday 2nd September for a 4 day break before Saffron goes back to school.
Easy drive through to Brampton and caravan and awning set up with no bother. A bit cold and windy but nice and comfortable in the caravan with a nice sirloin steak for dinner.

Saturday and the weather not very good, but we'd promised Saffron some time on the beach so we set off for a small beach neat Maryport. Cold and windy so we only stayed about an hour, but Saffron and Archie seemed to enjoy themselves.
Saturday night and we have a storm like you can only get in Cumbria or Scotland, Awning got a bit flooded so 3 of us tried to sleep in a small 2 berth.
About 1.00am I got a sharp pain in the back of the neck, only later did I realise I'd been stung by a wasp. I had never realised I was allergic to wasp stings but I went in to Anaphylactic shock, burning up and violently shaking at the same time. Took about 2 hours for it to cool down enough for me to get back to sleep.
Woke up Sunday morning with a very sore foot, thinking I might have kicked something while I was in shock, I also felt very weak and tired so stayed in bed all day and I did sleep for about 30 hours. Val and Saffron went out for a drive and to do some shopping, nothing they could do for me anyway.
Monday morning, up early getting packed up to come home, but my foot had swollen to about 3 times it's normal size and was very painful driving home.
Tried to work through the pain for the next few days and went to Pulmonary rehab.  on Wednesday, the Pysio. wouldn't let me do any of the exercises and sent me to A & E to see a doctor. After a quick examination was sent for xray. 4 pictures taken and back to see the doctor. 2 doctors this time and they both agreed there was no break or fracture, so came to the conclusion that the problem was GOUT. They explained that Anaphylactic shock can cause this immediately. So given a load of pain killers and told to sit with my foot elevated for at least a week.
That's not going down very well as I have a lot I want to be doing just now.

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