Sunday 14 August 2016

Blog for week commencing Sunday August 14th 2016

Sunday 14th August.
Up early again.
Graeme called early for a cup of tea, and we had a long discussion about us moving in with him at Harlo Ave.
Took Cliff and Hazel to Newcastle airport, hazel flying home after her holiday.
Started tidying up in the garden, but the rain started, so got on with sorting tools and odds and ends in the cupboard.
Rain stopped so got some work done in garden before and after dinner.

Monday 15th August.
Up early again after a very restless night. Missed taking my water tablet yesterday so was up to  the toilet several times.
Went to Graeme's to finish wiring  the TV and waiting for the builder to come and fix the front door again. Measured the rooms upstairs and think most things will fit. Had fish and chips while waiting for the builders.
Came home about 2.30 and went for a rest, couldn't move when I woke up, hurt my hip somehow and couldn't stand, Val helped me into a high chair in the lounge and put a hot wheat pad on for me, just have to rest and be careful this evening.

Tuesday 16th august 2016
Hip still hurting this morning, so Val off to do the shopping at Aldi.
I did the washing up but just rested the rest of the day.
In bed after lunch but hip still hurting so just with computer and TV this evening.

Friday 19th August 2016
Had to get the doctor today, breathing very bad and just finished 1 week of steroid and antibiotic.
Have to have another week with a different antibiotic, just resting and hoping my hip gets better as well.

Saturday 20th August 2016
New antibiotic making me feel sick and very tired, don't feel much like eating, can't get out and it's been raining all day anyway.
Just been on the computer converting DVD's to play on my Surface tablet.
Updating videos on Graeme's sat nav, ready for another week

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