Friday 4 November 2016

Bad move

Having lived in this flat for 10 months it has proved to be a complete disaster.
The bathroom has been the biggest problem. Initially investigated for a bad smell it was found that the floor boarding was all rotten. So everything was stripped out, but only half the floor was replaced. And the smell continued so Dyna-rod were called in and pipes were found to be corroded with many leaks in them. So the bathroom stripped out again and another 2 days without toilet or bath. The smell still continued and the bathroom was stripped put again and all the rotten floor under the bath was replaced this time.  What we have now are pipes not set properly in the walls causing a really cold draught and making the heating in the bathroom useless.
We now have a serious problem in the kitchen. The cooker which was perfectly level after a repair a few weeks ago is now listing to the right by about 1 inch. Can't be bothered to report it and start with the same mess as we had with the bathroom.
We have also be plagued in the back garden first by rats and now by mice, making it imposable to leave the door open. At the moment we are stripping all the plants out and taking them to Graeme's. And then I had a brilliant idea! WHY DON'T WE MOVE AND GO AND LIVE AT GRAEME'S!
We had been doing some work on Graeme's house for some time now and as it is a four bedroom house with only Graeme living there we have been discussing the possibility of living there  with him.  We have worked out a fair rent system and agreed a proportion of the cost of making the house comfortable for us all. All three of us are agreed that this move would be beneficial to us all.
It is a large four bedroomed house with large gardens, room to store our caravan and parking for two cars. Once the internal decorating is finished,  no doubt the garden will keep me occupied next summer.

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