Sunday 21 August 2016

Blog for week commencing Sunday 21st August 2016

Sunday 21st August 2016.
Graeme here before I was up today, he's very keen to get on with work on the house now.
spent most of the day updating video's on his Sat Nav. Took longer that normal, slight problem with the codeqs.
Ordered a faster YouTube downloader, might make it easier.
Trying to make do with simple or ready meals with the cooker going off.
Told Jen and Tony we were moving in with Graeme so don't have to keep it secret now.
Antibiotic seems to be taking effect but my hip and back are still very sore, just take it easy for a few more days.

Monday 22nd August 2016
Not at all well today, antibiotic making me sick and dizzy.

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
Quiet day today, took some photos and measurements at Graeme's while Val was sorting old clothes and rubbish for the tip.

Wednesday 23rd August 2016
Called for Cliff at Blyth, took all Graeme's and Cliffs rubbish to the tip, then back to Cliff's for the stuff he wanted to take to the charity shop.
No market in Blyth but complete traffic chaos with a lot of roads closed ready for the tall ships regatta at the weekend.
Jenn and Saffron called in and stayed a while, talked about the car boot stuff and the drum kit in the back bedroom.
Val sorting through a load of DVD's that Cliff wants to get rid of.

Thursday 24th August 2016
Got a surprise visit from the district nurse, she had come to do my INR blood levels, I was due to go to the clinic tomorrow but she took the blood anyway and saved me a trip tomorrow.
Val at the doctors for her Diabetic check, slight change in medication and waiting for blood test results.
Spent the morning at Graeme's sorting out more rubbish and cleaning out the cupboard by the front door. Had to stop at lunch time as my back is still hurting a lot.
Started putting more DVD's on the computer ready for when my 64gig. flash drives arrives. I can watch them when in bed on my "Surface"

Friday 25th August 2016
Val out doing the shopping at 8.00am to beat the bank holiday shopping rush. Went later to B&M at North Shields for paint but didn't have what we wanted there
Finished doing the coat hangers in the cupboard and Val was sticking the wallpaper back on. Tidied some of the rubbish up in the back garden, but my back was giving me a lot of pain so we came home at lunch time again.
Had a rest in the afternoon and got  pleasant surprise when I got up, Jenn, Saffron, Clayton and Carter had all come to visit, surprised they were getting on so well with Archie.

Saturday 25th august 2016
Late getting up,  Graeme called for cup of tea and talked about work to be done on his house.
Not out today, no shopping to do.
Cleared old plants out of troughs ready to move.
Evening spend putting films on tablet key.
Graeme not feeding well, so no work done on the house.

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