Tuesday 28 June 2016

Daily Blog Week commencing 25.6.2016

                                                             Sunday June 26th 2016

Up at the crack of dawn, don't know why, not got anything planned.
Graeme called about 8.30.
I spent most of the day putting security programmes on the computers.
Val did some baking, Corned beef and potato pie for lunch was really good.
Weather not good enough to go anywhere, so Archie got his normal local walks.

    Monday June 27th 2016 

Val went to Graeme's to do some painting and to pack things in the caravan ready for our holiday in Loch Lomond at the weekend,
I went to Cliff's to put some shelves, mirrors and pictures up.
Weather not good so just had a rest in the afternoon. 
had a quiet evening watching films on tv.
Tuesday June 28th 2016
Val's early doctors appointment didn't resolve anything, just an increase in pain killer and a referral to the physiotherapist.
Visit to local garden centre bought shrubs for front garden.
Tidied the back garden and removed small fences, sat on the decking till lunch time, then it started to rain.
hospital appointment for Val this afternoon for diabetic eye test. Too wet to have a walk around Blyth.
Very early to bed as we were both feeling a bit knackered.

Wednesday June 29th 2016.
Up early, bins put out, fill car with fuel,  go to Blyth, walk around the market not much on, but got soaked when it started to rain. Val and Cliff went to Morrisons, then home to get the plants in the garden, but it was pouring down there as well so no gardening done today, just lazing around watching telly and playing with computers.

Thursday June 30th 2016
Up very early, Val took the car to get it vacuumed, then finished tidying the caravan ready for Saturday.
Cliff got up about 8.30 and got on with putting the new plants in the front garden. I took him home about 11.30.
I've been feeling cold and sick all day, went for a rest after lunch, still feeling rough when I got up. Took Gaviscon and sematil for vertigo, but still feeling very tired.
Early bedtime and slept most of the night.

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