Sunday 4 October 2009


Gwen was feeling poorly all day Sunday, and on Monday morning was very weak. She couldn't stand and it took a long time to get her changed and out of the bedroom. In the kitchen Gwen dropped two cups of tea spilling it over herself, so she had to be changed twice more. I rang Wendy to see if she thought Mum should go into hospital and we agreed that she should. Before I rang the doctor the nurses came to change the dressings on Gwen's pressure sores, and they agreed that I should call the doctor. When the doctor arrived he sat and talked to Gwen for about ten minutes and then called for an ambulance. The ambulance arrived shortly afterwards and they talked to Gwen and looked at the notes that the doctor had left for the hospital. The paramedics said they would wait till Gwen had something to eat and a drink and a cigarette, while I finished getting things she would need in hospital.
I followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with Gwen while the admitting doctor did a lot of test, to decide which ward Gwen would go on.
In the evening Wendy took me to visit, Gwen was still in the Medical admissions ward and didn't look very well.
Tuesday..I went out in the morning to do some shopping and visited Gwen in the evening, I had had strict instructions from Gwen that I was only to visit once a day and get as much rest as I could. Gwen looked a little better and apart from having more tests done during the day she seems to have been asleep most of the time. Gwen was worried that her pressure sores were not getting looked after, but on checking the notes I saw that they were being treated and arrangements had been made for a tissue specialist to come and examine them. Gwen was also on a "air bed" to help relieve pressure points. Gwen's weight had gone down to 35 kilo. Apparently Gwen complained to the doctor that she would be better off being looked after at home. She said that the district nurses and her husband were a lot gentler with her than the hospital nurses. Obviously the doctor followed this up and Gwen seems more satisfied with her treatment now.
Wednesday...I took delivery of an "Air bed" and wheelchair that we had ordered for when Gwen comes home. The man that delivered it put it all together, but I will have to wait until Gwen comes home for the nurse to come and adjust the air pressure on the mattress to suite Gwen's weight. Wendy and I visited in the evening, Gwen looked a lot better and had made a list of things she wanted bringing in. I left a mobile phone with Gwen, you can use them on some wards now, so if she remembers how to use it she can call me anytime.
Thursday.....caught up with all the housework..washing, ironing, changing beds, cleaning floors, etc. and visited Gwen in the evening. Gwen continues to show slight improvement but is having treatment for the MSRI infection on the site of the operation on her nose, it is very slight and should clear up quickly.
Friday....Rain all day..did some shopping in the morning, went with Wendy to visit Gwen in the evening. Gwen thought she might be coming home at the weekend and is disappointed that she might have to stay in for another week until all the specialist she has seen decide on the best course of treatment.
Saturday...really bad storm here winds up to 70 mph. and a lot of damage to plants and shrubs in the garden. Garden furniture in the next door garden smashed and blown all over. It was still bad when I went to visit Gwen in the evening, lots of stuff blown all over the roads.
Gwen looked quite well but said she was very tired, one of the nurses came and sat with us and chatted for a while about what the were doing for Gwen. Gwen has a walking support with three wheels and brakes that is a great help for her with walking, I'll have to get one for when she comes home, it will be good to help her get some exercise.
I got a copy of the letter from the specialist I saw at the hospital. "highlights" below.
DIAGNOSIS-- Non-disabling stroke clinic
Problems Positional vertigo due to vestibular dysfunction
Perforated eardrum
Atrial fibrillation--on long term anti-coagulation
treated hypertension
treated hypercholesterolaemia
Thank you for asking us to see this gentleman.
On 3rd September, he suddenly had balance difficulties while sitting still, at the same time he developed pins and needles in his left arm but this resolved. Generally his vertigo is improving but he still gets a feeling of spinning when he turns his head quickly. He also has some Orthostatic faintness when he stands up. He also has a perforated eardrum and has in the past had surgery for this.
He does not have any fine co-ordination difficulties or speech difficulty.
Generally he has felt very tired in the last two weeks and it is interesting to note these symptoms began 24 hours after his flu vaccination.
On examination today, he was in Atrial fibrillation at 62 beats per minute. blood pressure was 124/78. There was no co-ordination difficulty demonstrated on examination. Eye examination was normal and his speech was clearly normal.
I think his problems are very likely to be vestibular in origin, but I note that he has Atrial fibrillation and it is a possibility that he has suffered a posterior circulation stroke.
I await the results of his MRI scan.

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