Tuesday 6 October 2009


Hospital beds in the hospital empty chamber. K...
Gwen was not very happy today, she has been asking when she will be coming home. She told the doctor that she thought she would be better looked after at home as her husband and the nurses who look after her there are much gentler and kinder.

The doctor today said they would be transferring Gwen to the specialist urology ward as they needed more Xrays to check on a blockage between the kidneys and the bladder.................Now can you believe this, the admitting doctor had arranger for a skin tissue specialist to examine Gwens ulcer on her back, I was informed today that this specialist had just gone on holiday and would not be back until the 19th October.

Structures of the kidney: #1.Renal pyramid #2....

Gwen was not very pleased to hear this.
Apart from this she seemed quite cheerful and chatty.


I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out more, as nobody seems to know anything in the evenings.

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