Wednesday 13 July 2016

Daily Blog for week commencing Sunday 10th July 2016.

Sunday10th July

Nice fine day so we got the damp ground sheet and carpet on the clothes line in the garden to dry off.
Just had a quiet relaxing day.

Monday 11th July

Val's very busy on the phone trying to get a mobile caravan mechanic as we need a few things put right before our next trip in 2 weeks time. We need a new gas module for the gas water heater, a new jockey wheel as ours is a bit damaged and a small cover for the water inlet filter.
Several loads of washing being done, and we are busy moving furniture out of the lounge ready for the carpet cleaner in the morning.
Really tired in the evening, so expect a good night's sleep.

Tuesday 12th July

Message from the carpet cleaners THEY ARE NOT COMING!! We are not happy, they are trying to say we hadn't confirmed the date. We thought when you agreed a price and time, that was agreeing to a contract. Val declined their offer to come on another date and she got on with removing the stains herself.. So we spent the rest of the day and evening moving furniture and ornaments  back into the lounge. I think we both did too much, got too tired and were unable to get to sleep, Archie was restless as well and kept making a fuss to be let into the garden until about 1.30am.

Wednesday 13th July

Val not feeling very well this morning so went back to bed for another hour.
went to the camping shop for waterproofing for the awning as there was a slight drip in a couple of places when we had a really violent storm, bought a small kettle for Graeme. Went to the "Range"
for washing line and other odds and ends, then to the farm shop for fruit and veg and eggs.
Call from the caravan mechanic, said he was coming to remove the gas module from the caravan and was sending it away to be re-conditioned, said it should be back in a few days, plenty of time to get the jobs done before our next holiday.

Thursday 14th July

Late start this morning but just stayed in sorting and tidying up. quite a nice sunny morning, best of the week so far.
Val at the doctors for her annual diabetic check, every thing seems to be ok, but has to see another nurse in two weeks.
Went to Blyth to pick Cliff up, very impressed with the wild flower borders Blyth have done on the verges,
Cliff came to Backworth to waterproof the awning on our caravan, stayed for dinner, then I took him home again, no where to park the car when I came home.

Friday 15th July

Nice sunny morning, I spent the morning doing bits of gardening and screwing some of the joints in the decking.
Val was sorting the last of the things needed for the caravan getting ready to go away again in 2 weeks to Fell View caravan site at Scorton.
Val at Physio in the afternoon, got loads of exercises to do. Were going to go shopping but both too tired, so do it in the morning.
Quiet evening watching TV and doing some holiday photos.

Saturday 16th July

Early morning after a bad night. Archie deciding he wants a walk around the garden at any time he chooses in the middle of the night.
Graeme called early for a cup of tea and talked about what he wanted on his new Truckers sat.Nav.
I worked out how to put the maps on.
Big shopping day, farm foods at Long Benton and Aldi at Palmersville.
Rest in the afternoon, and spent the evening working out video formulas to put video clips on Graeme's Satnav machine.

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