Saturday 24 October 2009


I have had a very busy day today, up at 6.30 spent half an hour sorting mail on the computer then had a shower, spent the next hour seeing to Gwens needs and making breakfast.(large bowls of porrage). then I went out to get some shopping, we needed some meat and fresh fruit and vegetables. I also needed a new frying pan and as I had got fed up with the coating of "non-stick" coming off after using them about 6 times, I went to "Home-base" and bought a heavy stainless steel frying pan. It was lunch time when I came home so we had ham sandwiches followed by mellon and ice cream. The rest of the day I have spent stewing apples and plums to do sweets for the next week and making casseroles, Beef and kidney, Liver and bacon and Lamb all with loads of fresh vegetables in and each one will make a meal for two for two days. We have just had one of the beef casseroles followed by cherry crumble and custard. I'm just waiting now for everything to cool off so they can go in the freezer until they are needed.
This is the type of food Gwen likes so sod Jaimie Oliver, this food is designed to give Gwen some strength and get her back on her feet, (so she can get back to doing the cooking again now that I've shown her how)..just joking!

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