Monday 14 September 2009

Family News

A brief summary of the last two weeks.

1st Sept. The Doctor came to see Gwen to discus her blood results and water sample.

Gwen is very anaemic but not short of iron, so she needs to be on a full fat diet with plenty of cream and animal fats. She has another very bad kidney and urine infection and will be on anti-biotics for a while. The nurse came later to change the dressing on her ulcer. The doctor wants Gwen to go to the dermatology dept. as she has another suspicious lesion behind her ear. The nurse will come three times a week to clean and dress Gwen’s ulcer.

2nd.Sept..I went to the doctors for my flu jab.

3rd. Sept..Not very nice but we went to Bedlington, not much on the market but we both had quarter pounders with loads of onions from the stall. Jeannette came in the evening and cut my hair.

4th. Sept..felt really bad this morning, Gwen got the doctor to call, my irregular heart beat had gone very irregular and my pulse was in the low 50’s. If I went any worse we had to call a ambulance. It was Laurens 11th birthday, but I was too ill to go and see her.

5th Sept…Quiet day for both of us, I managed to get to the local shops for odds and ends.

6th Sept…quiet day again. I went to Wendy’s with Laurens birthday card and present, but didn’t stay very long as I wasn’t feeling very well.

Walking from the car to the house i noticed a pigeon following me, when I opened the gate it dashed into the garden and when I opened the front door it thought it was coming in the house with me. It’s obviously someone’s racing pigeon that’s lost it’s way. It calls twice a day since for a handful of seed.

8th Sept.I went to the Doctors feeling really bad, she gave me some more tablets to ease the chest pain and sickly feeling and said she wanted an ECG as soon as possible. I made an appointment for this for the afternoon. The nurse came to do Gwen’s dressings.

I went for the ECG at 4.30 and the doctor called me into her surgery. She said there were factors on it that she didn’t like and would like me to go to the hospital for further tests. I said I couldn’t go immediately, she knew the situation at home, so she said she would make an appointment for a day assessment soon..

9th Sept..Feeling very bad today and rang Wendy to see if she would do some shopping for us. As usual it was “no bother” just Email me a shopping list and I’ll get it for you.

10th Sept.. Nurse came to change Gwen’s dressing and to do more blood tests. The practice nurse rang me from the hospital to do an assessment of me over the phone, and would check up regularly to keep me monitored till my appointment at the hospital. Wendy came with the shopping, Ryan and Lauren were with her. We had quite a bit of fun with them for an hour, they really cheered me up.

11th..12th..13 Sept. Three quiet days, my concentration not good enough to do much on the computer, I’ll be loosing touch with everyone soon.

14th Sept…I managed to drive to Morrisons to get some shopping, a bit scary being out and not feeling well, but I was OK when I got home. The nurse came to do Gwen’s dressings, not much improvement in Gwen’s ulcer.

Nothing on tomorrow 15th. Gwen was supposed to go to the RVI hospital to get the legion on her ear checked, but she didn’t want me driving into Newcastle and I didn’t want to ask Wendy to take two days off work so we changed that appointment for two weeks time.

Wendy's taking me to the Wandsbeck hospital Geriatric elderly medicine assessment unit on Wednesday, I don’t know if it’s just for one day or whether I’ll have to stay in, but arrangements have been made.

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